Agrofer Export DX Maquina para lavrar a terra de Itália à venda no Truck1, ID: 8468544
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Agrofer Export DX

Maquina para lavrar a terraAgrofer Export DX

Maquina para lavrar a terra Agrofer Export DX

Publicado: 1meses. 12ds.

Maquina para lavrar a terra Agrofer Export DX: foto 1
Maquina para lavrar a terra Agrofer Export DX: foto 2
Maquina para lavrar a terra Agrofer Export DX: foto 3
Maquina para lavrar a terra Agrofer Export DX: foto 4
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Publicado: 1meses. 12ds.

Ano de fabricação


500 kg
Lugar de posição

Itália, PIAZZA FERNANDO DE LUCIA 35/37 00139 ROMA RM, Italy

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Agrofer Export DX

Agrofer's EXPORT DX Reversible Inter-row Blade Climber is made with quality raw materials and technological solutions of robustness is versatility operational,making it ideal for work in theinterrow Of vineyards, orchards, olive groves or other crops arranged in rows.

La operational versatility is offered by the possibility of connecting several accessories to one machine to achieve complete row processing.

The BLADE SCALPER is a machine for work the earth hard and deep, breaking up and crushing grass and culverts near crops arranged in rows, with the aim of making the soil softer and thus receptive to treatments. Tilling of the soil is achieved by dragging appropriately shaped blades.

The machine is equipped as standard with TE/80 DX-SX blade header, used to increase the work area involved in the scaling operation, and to double coupling front and rear and of hydraulic telescoping scope to adjust the working distance in the rows.

The touch probe, precise and reliable, allows the disc assembly to be retracted to avoid obstacles without having to move the entire machine sideways with the risk of losing time and sensitivity in working. Particularly sensitive even with small-diameter plants, the feeler makes it possible to work even in small spaces between plant and plant.

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Itália, PIAZZA FERNANDO DE LUCIA 35/37 00139 ROMA RM, Italy
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